30 April, 1992


Well, I'm home again! It's been 3 weeks since I finished my Radon Therapy. The result continues to amaze. Everyday gets better. I'm completely off the meds and both hubby and I agree that I got my old self back! Yesterday for example I woke up (BTW, in no pain) did a couple of loads of laundry, cleaned out the fridge, next the garage and then mowed the lawn. Went on a hot date with my hubby to watch some waterpolo, then out to eat.
I am completely, amazingly, wonderfully PAIN FREE! I can turn and move in ways I haven't been able to in a very long time. I sleep through the night from the time my head hits the pillow until the alarm goes off in the morning!

I talk to mom almost daily about her terrific progress. Mom has been going to doctor's for the past 10 years, trying to get to the bottom of why she can't walk 10 paces w/o being out of breath. After our trip to Montana she said that she made a goal to be able to walk to church (before she could barely walk from the car to the chapel w/o practically collapsing!) by the end of summer. She'll do it too. Last week she walked to a friend's house (up a grade) and home without even being out of breath. No more oxygen during the day! Psoriasis...GONE! Even her neck is becoming un-fused.

My brother took one look at us when we got back and made himself a reservation! He is headed up there with his wife as we speak. He is asthmatic and she is post polio. I have no doubt but that they will have positive stories to tell as well.

Word is that mine visitors continue to improve for about 6 weeks upon their return home. We are at that halfway mark and have certainly found this to be the case. We were only starting to feel better when we left the mines, but now there is no question as to the progress we have made. It is the kind of difference where people who know you say "What have you done?" "You look great!" Mine visitors say that the effect lasts for about a year to a year and a half. The disease is still with us, it's just hibernating at the moment. The progression of the disease is shocked into complacency. No problem...we are just planning yearly vacations to Montana now.

I'll plan on updating my post periodically - like once every couple of months. Right now I have a lot of catching up on life to do!


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